On another note though, is the fact that tomorrow is ART GUMBO (!) and here's some tidbits you all need to know.
WHERE: The E.B. Lyons Interpreter Center (8991 Bellevue Heights)
WHEN: Thursday the 29th of December
TIME: Officers: 5-9, Regular Members: 6-8
*we are interrupting this email to display a brief message from our co-presidents, Erica and Sam!*
(that was pretty weak applause guys, but no worries, I won't tell them)
Hello, friends. As you may know, the Art Gumbo is scheduled for six o'clock (unless you signed up to help early, then you could show up at five) on Thursday, December 29th. We now know that the Art Gumbo is to be held at the E.B. Lyon's Center which is at 8991 Bellevue Heights. Even if you didn't sign up to help, we'd like it if members of Renegade Arts and friends or family would show up to show support. The admission is ten dollars, and you just eat, listen to proposals, and vote for the best idea. If you are volunteering, it is free to be there and eat, but you can't vote unless you pay the ten dollars. This will also count as volunteer hours if you're interested in that. Thanks, and hope to see you there!
Ehh, that made my job a lot easier... Very nice. So everyone needs to know what they need to know. Oh, and officers, if you can't make it, reply to this email or if its more of a last minute oh-my-gosh-mom-just-ran-over-a-nail-and-now-the-car-won't-move or I-have-an-appendicitis-and-need-surgery-NOW just text Erica (563-581-6164) or Sam (563-580-7898) that you can't attend due to dire circumstances.