Saturday, September 8, 2012


     I forgot to put this in the e-mail, so might as well put it up on here, right?
Remember to turn in your permission slips, and remember you also need $5 along with that. If you have unfortunately lost your permission slip, just go to the page "Handouts from Meetings" and it's right there.

Also, there is a contest I'd like to share with you guys. It's held by, and all you have to do is make a pretty picture, (or sculpture, even) take a picture of it or scan it, and send it in via the internet. Then you wait a little bit, and then you see if they want to publish your art in their book of art! Here's the link to the website: Ask me or comment on here if you have any questions on joining- I've done it two times before, and I'm entering again, so I can help you out, if needed.

I believe that is all- if I think of anything else, I'll just add some more info to the post or something along the lines of that. Have a great day!

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